Patient’s Age: 68-years-old
Admission Date: 10/07/19
Admitted From: Delray Medical Center
Discharge Date: 11/04/20
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 30 Days
Reason for Stay: Hip Fracture resulting in ORIF
How did this patient hear about The Encore: Hospital provided list of rehabilitation facilities with Encore included
Details of experience:
On a weekend that seemed as normal as any other, Mrs. Andrea S. was cleaning her apartment in a hurry as she was excited to spend some quality time with her dog. As an unfortunate result of her excitement to finish quickly, Andrea had fallen and proceeded to fracture her hip and was brought to the hospital. As Andrea was readying to discharge, they had informed her that she would need rehabilitation for her hip in order to return to her ADL’s.
Andrea was then admitted to The Encore on October 7th 2020. Upon arrival, she was greeted by the warm interdisciplinary team, along with her therapist, J.R. Durity. After evaluation, J.R. saw that despite Andrea being max assist for every function, she was also in much pain. Additionally, he became aware that Andrea was experiencing lots of emotion that was affecting her therapy.
As J.R. always pays close attention to detail with all the patients, he decided to share his perceptions regarding Andrea’s high emotions and frustrations with the nursing team and together, they discovered the source of emotion was coming from clinical anxiety which was very treatable. The highly skilled nursing team addressed this promptly. Andrea was very grateful for the team’s dedication to her well-being as she stated, “They were real good and always checked on me!” Andrea also felt a special gratitude to her nurse Samantha Warner, as she stated, “I love Samantha! She has a special sweetness to her.”
Once Andrea’s frustration was resolved, the progress started to happen. The first thing J.R. focused on was seated weight shifting. This led to the patient’s ability to tolerate weight bearing. Very quickly, Andrea graduated to sit & stand exercises and only a few days later, she progressed to mod assist, which in a short time led to min assist. J.R. then felt it was time to start taking steps, based on her incredible progress.
Within a week, J.R. had Andrea walking five feet mod assist! Her body quickly started to get accustomed to the therapeutic progress and within just a few days, she graduated to 30 feet! Only a day later she hit 60 feet and just a day after that it was 120 feet!
Andrea is currently walking with supervision for EVERYTHING and can walk 150 feet! She emotionally stated her gratitude to the team, saying, “I was unable to stand at all and now I can stand without any big deal at all! I can walk to the bathroom on my own and wash myself. I feel 100% good about that. Robinson and J.R. were so supportive! Just these last few days I feel so much stronger and happier!”
Shortly before discharge, Andrea also shared her love for the fine dining that The Encore offers, as she said: “The food is so good. I’m shocked that they offered lox & bagels. It was outstanding! I could eat them non stop!”
We’re glad that Andrea had such a pleasant stay and we hope she continues to enjoy the highest quality of life.