Patients Age: 91-years-old
Admission Date: 09/04/2018
Admitted From: West Boca Medical Center
Discharge Date: 12/04/2018
Discharged To: Daughter’s House
Length of Stay: 3 Months
Reason for Stay: Kidney Infection
How did this patient hear about The Encore: Case Manager at West Boca Medical Center
Details of experience:
Mr. Paul Kachmarik arrived to The Encore at Boca Raton from West Boca Medical Center for a weak lower body and severity levels of unstable medical conditions. He was highly discouraged and was not sure if he was going to succeed.
As Paul stated to our director of concierge services, “I didn’t feel well, I didn’t want to eat. I was scared I would never recover. I had no strength, could not walk or get out of bed.”
Paul was unable to get out of bed, was on max assist of two, and was unable to propel a wheelchair on his own. After being evaluated by his therapist, he immediately got to work.
For the first few weeks, the therapists worked hard with him, but Paul was unable to do too much exercise due to a weak heart. Nonetheless, Paul remained motivated. He reached a level of moderate assist and walked 30 feet altogether!
Despite Paul’s frustration about his inability to exercise, he was pleased at the other things that The Encore had to offer. He shared with the director of concierge services, “I was amazed how nice it was. I had my thoughts on nursing homes… I was amazed by the [service of the] aides and nurses, [the housekeepers] always kept my room neat, and the food was always on time. It was different than a regular nursing home.”
A few weeks later something clicked. Suddenly, Paul had a burst of inspiration and hope based on his results in therapy, along with his appetite coming back! Paul stated, “after I started eating, I started having hope, my appetite was coming back. Progressively every day, I started looking forward to my meal. The tilapia was very good.”
Paul had also remained determined based on all the encouragement that his therapists gave him, as he shared with his therapist, Debra, “Debra, if not for your encouragement, I would not have this confidence in me do to it.”
Paul’s progression really took off throughout the weeks. He progressed to contact guard assist, walked 100 feet, wheeled himself to therapy, was able to get out of bed, and dress his upper body all on his own! Within a week, he progressed to 200 feet standby assist, was able to walk to therapy, able to car transfer with a rolling walker, which very soon led to supervision!
Paul was discharged on December 4th to his daughter’s home. He left walking 250 feet modified independent with a walker. He went from 25 feet max mobility to 250 feet modified! Paul was very grateful upon discharging as he shared, “I was on a low number when I came. I had no appetite and I was just weak. Now I can get out of bed and walk with a walker! I just walked on my own yesterday! I’m able to go to the bathroom without assistance and OH, DO I HAVE AN APPETITE!”
We are always proud of our residents, patients, and staff, but hearing the kind words from Paul was a pleasant reminder that we always strive for the best for everyone that walks through the doors at The Encore. We wish Paul the best of luck!